jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017

hellboy---- giozeth andrey molina sarmiento 1922--- septimo

As a demon with the name of Anung-Un-Rama, Hellboy was brought to the earth being baby by occult Nazis. He was rescued by allied forces and raised by the Paranormal Investigation and Defense Agency (AIDP) of the United States. Hellboy was raised to be a great red-skinned demon with tail, horns (which he would discard leaving behind his old nature), and a large right hand made of red stone. Although a little brusque, he does not show any intrinsic malevolence of demon, and works with other strange creatures in the AIDP. Hellboy has been dubbed as The Great Investigator of the World of the Paranormal.

The character has been featured in a sequel to mini-series comics published by Dark Horse Comics, influenced by classic adventures of fiction and horror. According to Mignola to develop the various aspects of character and personality of the character was inspired by his own father, a wardrobe maker who often returned home with horrible tales about what was happening at work.

History of the personage
The story of Hellboy is an amalgam of myths and folklore, from Norse to Greek or Russian mythology including many references to the mythology of Lovecraft.

giozeth andrey molina sarmiento

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